Our Rotary club is made up of members from Cobourg, Port Hope and the surrounding areas, and serves this part of Northumberland County, located an hour east of Toronto, Ontario.We were chartered in May 2000 and the Port Hope Rotary Club was our sponsor. The founding members were Mike McCann, Paul Racine, Russel Mark and Dave Watson all from the Port Hope club.
Donating more than $150,000 in support of Northumberland Hospice Care Centre
Entrance Wall and Front Gardens at Northumberland Hills Hospital
Salvation Army Christmas Programs and Delivering Christmas Hampers (header image)
Special Olympic Athletes
Habitat for Humanity- Re-new-it Program
YMCA Northumberland OntarioEarly Years Mobile Outreach Van
Our Rotary Centennial project was In 2003. Our club supported the purchase of the YMCA NorthumberlandOntario Early Years Mobile Outreach Van. In a three-year pledge, the clubdonated $30,000 for the purchase of the cargo van, which provides an on-going,free toy and book-lending service to families in rural locations across Northumberland.
The Ganaraska ForestCentre Green Roof
During the fund-raising campaign in 2008 to build a new outdooreducation facility in the GanaraskaForest, NorthumberlandSunrise Rotary Club donated $25,000 to sponsor the installation of a green roofin the new facility. During installation, a growing medium was placed on theroofing membrane and drought-resistant indigenous grasses were planted on theroof. Water falling on the roof is collected in the growing medium and grassesand is used to sustain the living roof. This limits the discharge of stormwater from the roof and any water moving off the roof has now been filtered andcleaned by the grasses. Environmental benefits include temperature regulationof the building, water conservation, creation of habitat, sound insulation,energy conservation, cleaner air and waste reduction and the roof is often usedas an education tool for visiting students.
Other Projects:
Chili for Chile –a fundraiser to support the victims of a 2010 earthquake in Chile, South America(Katy/Martha)
Support to the Salvation Army, Giving Tree, United Way Backpack program, Community Works (Bewdley), Greenwood Tower Coalition (Christmas dinner), Golden Plough Lodge (Christmas luncheon for seniors – served by Rotarians), Harvest Hike , Hosts to the Foundation Walk in2008 (ish) in Port Hope, the purchase of Shelter Boxes for the victims of the Haiti earthquake.
Our Rotary Centennial project was In 2003. Our club supported the purchase of the YMCA NorthumberlandOntario Early Years Mobile Outreach Van. In a three-year pledge, the clubdonated $30,000 for the purchase of the cargo van, which provides an on-going,free toy and book-lending service to families in rural locations across Northumberland.
The Ganaraska ForestCentre Green Roof
During the fund-raising campaign in 2008 to build a new outdooreducation facility in the GanaraskaForest, NorthumberlandSunrise Rotary Club donated $25,000 to sponsor the installation of a green roofin the new facility. During installation, a growing medium was placed on theroofing membrane and drought-resistant indigenous grasses were planted on theroof. Water falling on the roof is collected in the growing medium and grassesand is used to sustain the living roof. This limits the discharge of stormwater from the roof and any water moving off the roof has now been filtered andcleaned by the grasses. Environmental benefits include temperature regulationof the building, water conservation, creation of habitat, sound insulation,energy conservation, cleaner air and waste reduction and the roof is often usedas an education tool for visiting students.
Other Projects:
Chili for Chile –a fundraiser to support the victims of a 2010 earthquake in Chile, South America(Katy/Martha)
Support to the Salvation Army, Giving Tree, United Way Backpack program, Community Works (Bewdley), Greenwood Tower Coalition (Christmas dinner), Golden Plough Lodge (Christmas luncheon for seniors – served by Rotarians), Harvest Hike , Hosts to the Foundation Walk in2008 (ish) in Port Hope, the purchase of Shelter Boxes for the victims of the Haiti earthquake.