Randy Seager chaired the meeting on behalf of POD #1 and welcomed all in attendance
District or Club Announcements:
Jonathon Racine provided a reminder about the Rotary Foundation Dinner in association with Port Hope Rotary that will be held on Thursday November 21st at Dalewood. There is no charge for members as it was included in the regular yearly dues. Guest cost is $55 which should be paid to our Treasurer Karen O'Hara.
Aimee Tedford reminded members that the Fare Share Food Bank will be the recipient of the Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Fioudation this year and invited members to sign up to help decorate cookies.
Al Switzer notified us that Operation Red Nose is once again coordinated by the YMCA and details and sign up is at the following link. Click here
Aimee Tedford discussed the Annual Gingerbread Festival. This is a fundraiser and fun event where indivuals and businesses can purchase and decorate gingerbread houses and  support Habitat for Humanity Click Here for details
Petra Becker shared  details and insights on the District Rotary Foundation Training Seminar she attended last weekend. The knowledge gained at this seminar will allow us to initiate both District and Rotary International grants should we decide to go in this direction in the next year.
Membership Chair Rhonda Cunningham and President Denise O'Brien reintroduced our newest Rotarian Katy Spiewak. We are so pleased to have Katy back in our Club after a few years off to take care of family and work. Katy is a Past President of Northumberland Sunrise from 2007-2008.
Today's Speaker
Randy introduced Joel Scott today's speaker  who provided insight into his classification and his life story. This included his upbringing in Cobourg, his education in psychology and his career in radio. Joel brought us up to date on his current job at Ed's House Hospice and Community Care and the importance of community service. He also shared how proud he is of his children's careers and personal lives including his son's marketing agency and his daughter's electrician training. He also reflected on the impact of his career on his family and the community, emphasizing the importance of connection and service. Joel's talk was enlightening and funny as he allowed us to hear his unique life story.
Committee Updates and Membership Engagement
The membership committee will be making an effort to provide sign up sheet service to all committees and events so that membership engagement can be tracked better. This will allow us to to determine workloads and also to make sure that members who are missing can be contacted to make sure that all is well. In short a busy, engaged Rotarian is a happy Rotarian!
Jeremy Hall called the motion for a $1500 donation for The Giving Tree which was seconded and approved by the Club.
Jeremy also mentioned the need for Salvation Army helpers for Kettle duty and Christmas Hamper deliveries.
Jonathon Racine reminded Members that the Burn's Night Scotch Tasting is fast approaching and your attendance is greatly appreciated. The event can be accessed through the home page of the club's website. Click Here
President Denise reminded us of the Treaty Knowledge Gathering in Campbellville being hosted by the Alderville First Nation.
YOU are invited to the Treaty Knowledge Gathering. Date: November 28th, 2024    7:30PM   at The Aron Theatre, 54 Bridge St E, Campbellford ON 
Keynote Speaker:  David Mowat
Alderville First Nation Ojibwe Historian presenting on treaty and community history.
Opening Address:  Melody Crow
Alderville First Nation knowledge and Language Keeper
Traditional Drum Song, Provided by the Alderville Ojibwe Drum Group
Free Entry with Prior Confirmed Signup
Donations of cash & non-perishable food for the Alderville Food Bank are encouraged. Very limited tickets available
RVSP ASAP by email to David at crenshad@icloud.com or (705)761-9791
Holiday Event and Happy Bucks
Petra Becker will be hosting the Holiday Gathering for members and their families on the evening of December 11th. Please make sure that you signup for the great fun event before December 11th. Click here to register.
Once again, no winner for the Queen of hearts and the pot continues to grow.
November Membership Milestones:
Mel Racine's birthday was November 2nd.
Hank Vandermeer 12 years of service on November 7th
Helen Walsh 12 years of service on November 12th
Karen O'Hara 12 years of service on November 31st
Jeff Gibbons 3 years of service on November 25th
Carrie Low 1 year of service on November 29th
Randy Seager 1 year of service on November 29th 
Thats a wrap for today, see you on December 4th!