photos of the golf tourney will be on the website and facebook!
Call to Order & Welcome by POD Leader Randy
a. Introduction of Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Welcome to guest Joel Scott, who is exploring becoming a member of the club.
b. Four way test
We all stood and recited the Four Way Test - Randy asked us to consider having the Four Way Test posted somewhere visible in our home or workplace to invite conversations about Rotary and influence decisions we make.
2. District or Club Announcements - you might need to sign in to your clubrunner account see these links.
- District Assembly - Saturday June 1st - great time had by all!
- President's Night Celebration – June 13th - sign up here if you have not done so. To pay for guests, email Denise.
- Port Hope – Surf & Turf – June 22nd
- Our Habitat Northumberland Build Day - June 26th - Sign up here by this Wednesday please!
3. Club Assembly
- President – Mel indicated that we are very close to citation - meaning that the goals that we set out last year for service, foundation, new members are all very close.
- Treasurer – Pres Mel circulated the financials in the form of profit and loss and the balance sheet for the club as of April 2024. Karen O provided an update on our finances
4. Committee Updates
Committees Chairs will provide an overview of their respective committee and update on activities over the 2023‐2024 year
Committees Chairs will provide an overview of their respective committee and update on activities over the 2023‐2024 year
- Governance – Linda provided an overview of the policy manual - over the course of the year the committee has updated and listed all current policies needed to run the club. Check it out here.
- International & Vocational Services Committee - Denise explained that they created goals for committee and revised the terms of reference, completed all goals and spent all money.
- Public Relations - Elaine showcased how the PR committee coordinated the purchase of clothing in the fall for some members, updated facebook and the website, sent out the bulletin, assisted members in updating their profiles. Looked at additional ways of maximizing clubrunner to promote the club.
- Foundation - Boris led in successful participation in the foundation walk and dinner. Congratulated club members who have contributed to the foundation and polio plus, and who have been recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. Raised $4,552 of the $3,000 goal.
- Membership - Rhonda celebrated new members this year: Carrie, Sian & Randy! Focus on new member onboarding and retention of existing members. Hoping to still meet goals after this month.
- Community Service - Jeremy spent money with help of Pres. Mel and hoping to build a strong committee to as everyone needs to feel they can make a difference in the community
- Tasting Committee - John explained that the tasting committee can be more than Scotch. Burns Night is already booked for January 2025 again.
5. New Business
- Discuss the request of the Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation to fund two stretchers at an estimated cost of $22,000. If this is something membership supports, how shall we raise the funds? Interest in establishing a Fundraising Committee to lead this activity?
- MOTION: "The club is prepared to support NHH in the estimated cost of $22,000 over a 2 year period." Seconded by Linda Goldie. The membership moved to ratify the motion went to a vote with the members who were present. The motion was carried by the membership.
- Pres. Mel upon hearing feedback from the group, moved to create an ad hoc "Ways & Means" Committee (a committee is tasked with finding the ways and means with which to raise that revenue) This would be to coordinate how we fundraise for the stretchers above and beyond our normal commitments. President Elect Denise, President Mel and Rotarian Randy Seager make up the group.
6. Happy Bucks
- Pres. Mel - Happy with the Artistic Swimming Show on May 26th
- Linda - had a great trip aboard with Rotarian Petra Becker and friends to Edinburgh and Stratford On Avon
- Connie - Best Mother's Day: went to the tulip festival in Ottawa and then came home to all her kids and grand kids for a visit! The best!
- John - daughter and nephew competed in track and field and it was epic.
- Helen - finally back to work after serious concussion, enjoyed the BBQ at the tourney and wants one of Connie's wreaths!
7. 50/50 - no winners, but during our April clean up, Randy was given a $25 Tim card by a thankful onlooker and it was the extra prize that Al won!
8. Next meeting Wednesday June 5th
8. Adjourn!